Homoeopathic Medicines are a gentle way of stimulating the body’s own natural response to healing.
They are sourced from natures kingdoms: Animals, Plants, Minerals, and Diseased Tissue (termed Nosodes), and are prepared by a process of step by step repeated dilution and succussion (vigorous hitting against a hard elastic body). The crude substance is diluted of its toxic effects, and then succussed. The succussion is what raises its energy, and thus makes them capable of stimulating the body’s own defence system and allowing it to heal itself.
Homoeopathic medicines are not intrinsically dangerous, it is the body’s vital force (energy flow) which is influenced rather than its chemical balance (as in orthodox medicine), they are non-habit forming and without side effects. Homoeopathy can often help patients with diseases generally considered without cure by conventional medicine, and is also effective in the treatment of stress, grief, and depression.
Homoeopathic medicines will keep their strength for years without deteriorating. Medicines should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place with their tops screwed on tightly, well away from strong smelling substances, because strong odours do cause the medicines to lose their potency. They should also be stored away from strong light, sun, heat, electrical appliances, strong odours and perfumes (especially camphor, moth balls, menthol and essential oils), and avoid X-rays.
In accordance with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) Remedies can only be sold if you have had a prior consultation with me at any time.