I often tell patients that it will be a very different ‘(Josephine)’ that no longer has the ‘(fill in the blank)’.
The way you respond to things is going to change first and when you sustain there, the symptoms you are experiencing fall away as they no longer need to be there to teach/show you what you need to learn/know.
On some level they are there serving us, and we become attached to them and their purpose in our life. To love them, accept them, and then let them go can be confronting.
“Fighting Weakens; Love Empowers”
Much like attachment to anything, when we fight against anything we go against the flow of life. Homeopathy works the same way, by working WITH the principles of nature, and allowing the flow of life.
Homoeopathy is also useful for everyday complaints, however, in many of the First Aid books available today the art of homoeopathic prescribing is oversimplified which gives a false impression that prescribing a homoeopathic remedy is simply a matter of looking up the complaint. This will result in the remedy working for only a percentage of those people who take it. The tools used for prescribing are a Materia Medica which is a full account of all the homoeopathic remedies and a Repertory which is a cross-referenced index of the information presented in the Materia Medica. In order to effectively and safely use Homoeopathy, an understanding of the laws and principles is essential.
Classical Homoeopathy is very different in approach from orthodox medicine. Normally a person goes to a doctor for a specific disease or a problem and is given a medicine to take that problem away, but the symptoms are there for a reason and if the reason still exists then the problem will return either in the same form or in a different disease or problem. The reason for this is that the core of the problem wasn’t dealt with. The body will always find another valve in which to express the discord through.This is called suppression.
Homoeopathy has a clear understanding of the difference between suppression and real healing. With healing, the root of the problem is dealt with first, and as a result the symptoms are no longer needed and fade away.
During a consultation the homoeopath looks at everything that is going on in the patients life, not just a few isolated symptoms. The same patient that comes in complaining of headaches may also have depression, insecurities, low energy and a long list of other problems. A single homoeopathic remedy, matching the whole picture is prescribed. This is known as Constitutional Prescribing.
People who have had homoeopathic treatment generally find that their overall state of health and wellbeing has improved. Holistic medicine, with its philosophies of health maintenance and disease treatment, is really the ordinary, common sense medicine which has been practised for centuries. It combines the knowledge of natural sciences and that old fashioned duo of experience and common sense. Natural law is based on the principles of nature which are permanent and irrefutable, and have remained unchanged since their discovery. It is only by making choices about all of these factors that we can enjoy health in its fullest extent.
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Josephine’s service to patients is strictly confidential and for approx 1hr.
Your homoeopathic sessions are a period of time dedicated to your wellbeing, therefore If you do have children, making other arrangements for them always allows you to relax and focus on your own needs.
Consultations are available F2F or online via Face Time or Zoom platforms for absentee or overseas clients.
Please note that for this service, you must have a private space available for approx 1 hour.
All consultations are strictly by prior appointment only. Please book below or you can contact us directly on the contact page.
CANCELLATIONS: Appointments cancelled with less than 24hrs notice will incur a charge of 100% of the appointment fee.